FAQ: Sales Reps and Dealers

Sales Reps and Dealers
Can a customer select the dealer during the registration?

Yes, using this Magento wholesale module you can make it with the small code modification in Sales Reps and Dealers extension. Please contact us, and we can add the feature for the installation service fee.

Can customers choose dealers themselves in magento?

Yes, this can be done during registration or in the customer account. Go on reading to learn how to enable the function in your store.

Can I assign a dealer to the selected products?

No, this feature is not available in Sales Reps and Dealers extension.

Can new orders from customers be automatically assigned to either a sales rep or a dealer?

Yes, sure. If a customer X is associated with the dealer Y all his new orders will be assigned to this dealer.

Can this extension calculate commissions paid to dealers?

Currently, dealer comission is not available. 

I have an error while trying to create an order from the backend.
Several Magento versions have a bug with admin orders, it does not depend on whether the Sales Reps and Dealers module is installed or not. We can research and fix the bug for the installation service fee.
I see no dealer info at the order page
To solve the problem, please add line <?php echo $this->getLayout()->createBlock('amperm/adminhtml_info')->setOrderId($_order->getId())->toHtml() ?>   in the file app/design/adminhtml/default/default/template/sales/order...
What is the difference between a Sales Rep and a Dealer?

Actually there is no difference between sales reps and dealers. Read on to see the functionality.

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