FAQ: GeoIP Redirect

GeoIP Redirect
Can customers switch to any other available language and currency manually in magento?

Yes, clients will be able to switch between available languages and currencies if you choose to redirect them automatically only during their first visit. Go on reading to see the settings.

Can I disable an option to switch languages and locations manually?

Yes, that’s possible. If you need to disable the language switcher option to pass between store views for some reasons, you need to navigate to System > Configuration > Restriction and set 'First visit redirect' only to 'No'.

Can I disable GeoIP redirection for a certain store view only?

GeoIP redirect settings can be configured or switched off on a store view level. So you can disable this option for a certain store view or store views if needed.

Can I exclude certain IP addresses, so that they would not be redirected?

Yes, sure. This may be extremely helpful if you as an admin user need to see your store without any location-based redirects. Read on to set the GeoIP exceptions correctly.

Can I redirect visitors between store views but not websites?

Yes, there is such an option. Redirecting visitors between store views only is extremely handy if you have websites selling different types of products and don’t want to mix them up. Please disable “Redirect between Websites” option.

Does this GeoIP switcher work with CloudFlare?

Yes, the module is compatible with CloudFlare. Please contact your system administrator if there are any problems with the IP detection.

How can I configure Country to Store View Redirect?

To configure a country to store view redirect you need to make relevant changes in GeoIP Redirect General settings. Read on to follow a step-by-step guide.

How can I test redirects for different countries?

You can run a VPN service or any other anonymizer to change your authentic IP and test redirects for different countries. 

I can’t import GeoIP data.
The import process can take some time but if it lasts more than 20 minutes, there might be some errors. Please try this solution to fix the problem. Also, you can take a look at this article "Little-known Amasty extensions features: GeoIP Data import...
Is it possible to block and redirect IPs from certain nations with this extension?

Our GeoIP Redirect module doesn't allow for creating blacklist IPs. However, you can create a special page with the content you need and redirect customers from specified countries to this page or to another website.

There is no currency in dropdown in Country to Currency Switch. What’s wrong?
For the correct work of our GeoIP extension currency settings should be configured in System > Configuration > Currency Setup:   Additional currency settings can be found in System > Manage Currency > Rates.
Visitors are not redirected. What can be wrong?
In order to ensure that the module settings have been set up correctly, please follow the steps described below. 1) Check if GeoIP Data is imported in System > Configuration > GeoIP Data. Here is what you will see if the import was successful: &...
Visitors are redirected only during first visit/ visitors are not able to switch store view.
You have two patterns of users’ redirection: 1) redirect customers only on their first visit. In this case they will be able to switch between available store views and currencies manually; 2) always use the redirection rules, so your clients...
What geoip databases are used?

This module uses Maxmind Database - GeoIP2.

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