Amasty Improved Layered Navigation vs. Mageplaza Layered Navigation for Magento 2

Let users find the desired products easily by providing them with a feature-rich navigation system.
  • Vertical and horizontal navigation
  • Price slider
  • Image swatches
  • AJAX loading of filtering results
  • ‘Shop By' options
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To find a perfect solution for your store, you need to research, analyze and compare multiple options. This time, we did all the hard work for you and created this comparison page for the 2 most popular Layered Navigation extensions: Mageplaza and Amasty. Both extensions have 3 pricing options, we’ll take the most feature-rich plans.

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Features of Mageplaza Layered Navigation for Magento 2

Navigation features

Mageplaza Layered Navigation for Magento 2 comes with a bunch of navigation features:

  • multi-select of filter options. Your customers can choose multiple values of product attributes, for example, blue and red colors or S and M sizes
  • price slider. This tool allows users to set flexible price borders and find affordable products. The extension has 6 types of sliders: default, flat UI, HTML 5, modern, nice white, and simple dark
  • vertical and horizontal navigation. Using this plugin, you can place filters in a vertical or horizontal menu
  • advanced filter options. Mageplaza Layered Navigation includes advanced filters like filters by ratings, new, sales, or in-stock products
    out-of-stock display. You can choose to display or hide out-of-stock products on the filtering result page
  • expand or hide filtering options in the left menu by default.

SEO features

This extension allows you to create SEO-friendly URLs that will be not only organized for better positions on SERP but also clear and easy for users. In addition, you can configure SEO attributes for the page with all products.

UX features

Magento 2 Navigation by Mageplaza helps you improve the user shopping experience. It includes the following features:

  • AJAX loading page. After the user applies filters, the page doesn’t reload completely to show the results but updates the product information only. This technology provides better website performance and speeds up the product selection process
  • scroll to the top after filtering. If you enable this feature in the backend, users will be redirected to the top of the page after they apply new filters
  • the Apply Filter button. The Apply Filter button feature allows users to select all the filters they are interested in and then apply them
    product count. Users can see the number of suitable products right next to each product attribute
  • quick lookup. Visitors can search for product attributes using the quick lookup tool
  • infinite-scroll. On the all-product page, users can scroll through the filtered products without pressing the Load More button, as new products are uploaded automatically

Included extensions

The ultimate version of the extension includes 2 other modules:

  • Shop by Brand that allows buyers to quickly find products by their favorite brands
  • Advanced Ajax Search. With this tool, a Magento store can present 10 specific products in the dropdown when the user clicks on the search box. In doing so, store owners can stimulate sales of new arrivals and best sellers

Features of Amasty Improved Layered Navigation

Navigation features

As well as the plugin by Mageplaza, the Amasty’s includes:

  • multi-select of filter options
  • price slider
  • vertical and horizontal navigation
  • advanced filter options (On Sale, New, Rating, and Stock)
  • out-of-stock display
  • expand or hide filtering options in the left menu by default

But this module covers not only basic navigation features but also advanced ones, like:

  • 5 filter display modes: labels, drop-down, images, images and labels, text swatches
  • dependent filters. You can configure dependencies between filters so that dependent filters will be shown if a user chooses the value of the main filter
  • attribute mapping. For example, having grouped all the shades of blue, you can show a user looking for blue sweatshirt results that include all the possible options
  • advanced categories tree. You can choose how subcategories will be displayed and enable a slider with subcategories images

SEO features

Amasty Layered Navigation allows creating SEO-friendly URLs and customizing metadata for filter results and brand pages. Also, this extension adds canonical URLs to avoid duplicate content on a Magento website and allows you to add custom Navigation Pages to the sitemap.

User experience features

These 2 extensions have mostly similar UX features like:

  • AJAX loading page
  • the Apply Filter button
  • product count
  • quick lookup

But Navigation by Amasty has 2 additional characteristics:

  • vertical scrolling. If you offer filters with a long list of options, you can enable vertical scrolling with a search bar for them
  • slider and the from-to widget for numeric attributes

Included extensions

The premium version of the extension includes 2 additional plugins and 1 add-on:

  • Infinite Scroll. Infinite Scroll browses new products on demand when the user scrolls to the bottom of the list or when they click on Load More. So, new products appear without reloading the whole page
  • Shop by Brand. For a multi-brand store, there are brand filters that can be added to a store navigation panel and the Brands dropdown for the top navigation menu. Also, there is the “More from this brand” block that can be added to product pages together with brand logos and links
  • Brands Merchandise. With this add-on, you can customize the product order on the brand pages to highlight specific products

Features comparison

Key FeaturesAmasty Navigation (Premium)Mageplaza Navigation (Ultimate)
Vertical and horizontal navigation
Multiple filter values
Attributes mapping
Shop By' options
Price slider
Out-of-stock display
Dependent filters
All products page
Advanced categories tree
Expanding or hiding of filtering options
Apply Filter button
Product count
Quick lookup
Vertical scrolling
From-to widget
SEO-friendly URLs
Custom metadata for filter results
Custom URL alias
Canonical URLst
AJAX loading
Infinite AJAX scroll
Brands merchandiser
Shop by Brand

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Version 2.2.0
Last Update: Sep 20, 2024
2.2.0 - Sep 20, 2024
  • New new layouts for category pages, allowing the collapse and expansion of the filter block, were added to the Premium version of the module (Note: this functionality is available as part of an active product subscription or support subscription)
  • Improvement we improved the performance of loading category pages with a large number of SEO-friendly URLs
  • Improvement the ability to display only the brands with products in the current category in the Brand slider on category pages was added to the Pro and Premium versions of the module (Note: this functionality is available as part of an active product subscription or support subscription)
  • Improvement minor adjustments in the admin UI and settings display
  • Fix fixed the error that occurred on a brand page when applying filtering
  • Fix now, the child products of configurable products are displayed with their current prices in the filter results
  • Fix the issue with creating two different Brand List widgets on the same page was resolved
  • Fix we eliminated the error that occurred when applying a price range filter and removing one of the filter values from the URL
  • Fix fixed the 'Replace Special Characters With' setting work
  • Fix switching between store views now works as intended for categories with a custom URL Key
  • Fix the issue with filtering when an attribute option contained an alias of another attribute code was resolved
  • Fix fixed the issue with preselect functionality when Ajax Scroll is enabled
Version 2.1.1
Last Update: May 17, 2024
2.1.1 - May 17, 2024
  • Improvement minor improvements in system messages to avert problems with extension configuration
  • Improvement we added a patch to enable cache type functionality
  • Improvement now, for an Improved Navigation Page, you can save an unlimited number of categories
  • Fix solved a problem with filtering when the 'Yes/No' attribute is being used
  • Fix fixed the issue with long loading of module configuration and attributes pages when there are a large number of categories
  • Fix we solved the problem with displaying subcategory in the Children Categories Block if its category permissions are disabled
  • Fix we fixed the display of the Price filter slider for the mobile version of the site
  • Fix now, the banner on the Category Page (Below Add to Cart Button) is displayed correctly when Ajax is enabled
  • Fix fixed wrapping filter option text to the next line when its length exceeds the size of the filter block
  • Fix we resolved the issue with the canonical URL of product pages if the get parameter is added
  • Fix we eliminated the error that occurred when saving an attribute
  • Fix fixed the issue with SEO-friendly URLs for Attributes
2.1.0 - Mar 14, 2024
  • New we added the ability to import and export Custom Pages data to the Pro and Premium versions (Note: the compatibility is available as a part of an active product subscription or support subscription)
  • New the new URL attribute separator 'Slash' was added to the Premium module version. You can find the 'amasty/module-shopby-subscription-functionality' package for installing in composer suggest (Note: the functionality is available as a part of an active product subscription or support subscription)
  • Improvement we added the possibility to adjust сustom Brand Pages Layout. You can find the 'amasty/module-shop-by-brand-subscription-functionality' package for installing in composer suggest (Note: the functionality is available as a part of an active product subscription or support subscription)
  • Improvement Brand Configuration settings location was enhanced for an improved user experience
  • Fix we fixed the error occurred while setup:upgrade command running
  • Fix we fixed the compatibility with Amasty Product Parts Finder so the finder block is now displayed correctly on category pages
  • Fix we solved the issue involving errors on category pages after filtering when SEO-friendly URLs contain the attribute code
  • Fix we resolved the filtering problem on the mobile version when Ajax is enabled
  • Fix we adjusted the operation of the 'Apply' button when filtering
  • Fix we fixed the compatibility with Amasty Grouped Options so selecting an option for filtering now functions as intended
  • Fix we solved the problem with incorrect display of brands for different customer groups
  • Fix we eliminated the issue with incorrect display of the category filter option when the 'Render Categories Level' setting is set to 'Current Category Children'
Version 2.0.0
Last Update: Dec 21, 2023
2.0.0 - Dec 21, 2023
  • Improvement we removed the deprecated 'Enable Improved Layered Navigation' functionality from CMS pages settings
  • Refactoring we refactored the module code ( Amasty_Shopby part) by removing deprecated code and updating class constructors (Please note: after update third party customizations on your instance may be incompatible with the module)
  • Fix now 'Number of Unfolded Options' setting works correctly
  • Fix we resolved the problem with displaying data of deleted attributes in the 'amasty_amshopby_option_setting' table
  • Fix we fixed filters Url issue
  • Fix now the category filter is displayed as it should when the 'Render Categories Level' settings are set to 'Current Category Children'
  • Fix we fixed the redirect issue when AMP is enabled for category pages
Version 1.16.1
Last Update: Nov 15, 2023
1.16.1 - Nov 15, 2023
  • Improvement we added the ability to select brands to display in the Brand Slider widget for Pro and Premium versions (Note: the functionality is available as a part of an active product subscription or support subscription)
1.16.0 - Sep 22, 2023
  • Compatibility we added the compatibility with Amasty Infinity Scroll Hyva (Note: the compatibility is available as a part of an active product subscription or support subscription)
Version 1.15.0
Last Update: Aug 29, 2023
1.15.0 - Aug 29, 2023
  • New color customization for selected filters options was added (Note: the compatibility is available as a part of an active product subscription or support subscription. This functionality is temporarily unavailable for Hyvä Theme)
  • New we added the ability to import navigation attributes and brand options data (Note: the compatibility is available as a part of an active product subscription or support subscription)
  • New now it is possible to use 301 redirect for SEO-optimized Urls (Note: the compatibility is available as a part of an active product subscription or support subscription)
  • New we added the ability to set up 'Robots Tag Control' for Custom Pages
  • New now it is possible to determine products stock status by Salable Quantity
  • New ability to sort attribute options by Product Quantities was added
  • Improvement:we added the possibility to hide filter with only one available option
  • Improvement 'Range Step' setting was added for attributes with ranges display mode
  • Improvement we covered additional Brand pages options via GraphQL request
  • Improvement we added new GraphQL request that allows to get SEO-friendly Url parameters
  • Improvement we updated Swiper library to the 9.0.3 version
  • Refactoring the code was refactored to improve module extensibility
Version 1.14.0
Last Update: May 06, 2023
1.14.0 - May 06, 2023
  • Compatibility we added the compatibility with Hyvä Theme for Improved Layered Navigation Pro. You can find the 'amasty/module-shopby-hyva-compatibility' package for installing in composer suggest (Note: the compatibility is available as part of an active product subscription or Support Subscription. For the correct Hyvä compatibility work, the GraphQL module should also be installed. You can find it in composer suggest amasty/module-shop-by-brand-graphql)
Version 1.13.0
Last Update: Apr 03, 2023
1.13.0 - Apr 03, 2023
  • Improvement we added the possibility to generate SEO-friendly URLs for multi select Category filter
  • Improvement we improved the 'Apply' filter button work speed
  • Refactoring we refactored the module code base to improve its performance and the loading speed of the Categories list and filters
  • Fix we resolved the issue with duplicating Brand URL with and without slash mark (shop by)
  • Fix we fixed the issue with errors occurred while Unit Tests running
  • Fix we solved the issues occurred once Brand options are being saved (shop by)
  • Fix we corrected the Sitemap generation error
  • Fix we fixed the redirection issues when URL has undefined attribute option (shop by) Fix: we fixed the XSS vulnerabilities of filtering data via URL Fix: the pagination issue when the same products were displayed on different pages was resolved
  • Fix we resolved the issue with the Price Filter displaying in the 'Slider' or 'From to only' display modes
  • Fix we eliminated the error occurred on the Brand Page when Live Search 2.0.4 version is installed
Version 1.12.4
Last Update: Mar 14, 2023
1.12.4 - Mar 14, 2023
  • Compatibility now the extension is compatible with Magento 2.4.5-p2, 2.4.6
1.12.3 - Sep 06, 2022
  • Improvement we improved compliance with WCAG requirements by adding aria-label for Category filters
  • Fix we solved the problem with Brand duplicates in the database
  • Fix we fixed the error occurred while filtering
  • Fix the issue with the AMP canonical Urls was resolved
  • Fix we eliminated the issue when Configurable products are being created
  • Fix we fixed the incorrect count of products in the Category filter
  • Fix we corrected the Stock filter in case of multiple stores
  • Fix the issue with the color swatch selection while filtering was resolved
  • Fix we fixed compatibility with Amasty FAQ and product questions so now in case of store switching the store Url is SEO friendly
1.12.2 - Aug 06, 2022
  • Compatibility we added basic compatibility with Adobe Live Search
  • Improvement we updated the Swiper library up to 5.4.5 version
  • Improvement we updated the Chosen library up to 1.8.7 version
  • Improvement now it is possible to add Image Alt for a product page icon image and as a swatch image for multiselect attribute
  • Improvement we added the possibility to exclude brands without products from sitemap
  • Improvement we improved Product Page Brand Settings so now a clickable brand title can be displayed on product pages
  • Improvement the possibility to hide zero decimal in prices was added
  • Improvement we enhanced the sidebar block so now it can be sticked while scrolling
  • Improvement we added the possibility to set canonical Urls structure for Brand Pages
  • Improvement we replaced usage jquery/ui in amasty/shopby/view/base/web/js/utils/color.js by specific UI modules
  • Improvement we updated deprecated jQuery functions
  • Improvement we added SEO Urls on amfinder and landing pages
  • Fix the issue with configurable products displaying on the On Sale category was resolved
  • Fix we corrected the Price filter work
  • Fix we resolved the grouped options wrong Url issue
  • Fix the problem with products special price displaying was resolved
  • Fix we fixed the issue with the Brand Logo size for product and categories pages
  • Fix we fixed the error occurred on the product pages when More From this Brands setting is enabled
  • Fix we solved the problem with error that occurred while searching using only two characters
  • Fix now Grouped Options swatches work as expected and display correct products
  • Fix we fixed the issue occurred while attribute with deleted swatch saving
1.12.1 - Jun 06, 2022
  • Fix we fixed the Stores switcher incorrect behavior
  • Fix we resolved the issue with error on price filter range
1.12.0 - Feb 08, 2022
  • New now there is an option to view filter usage analytics using the Quick Config page. Track your most used filters and configure navigation accordingly
  • New we added an option to directly enable/disable filters from the Quick Config page. Navigation configuration block configuration became even more convenient
  • New we added an option to select price slider color so that it easily fits your theme
  • New we introduced an option to enable SEO friendly URLs for the Yes/No filters when using attribute codes in the SEO URL
  • Improvement we refactored extension code improving performance on product and category pages
  • Improvement we added an option to enable filter multi-select via API
  • Improvement we enhanced the CLS performance
  • Compatibility we added compatibility with Amasty Meta Tags Templates
  • Compatibility compatibility with Magento B2B was improved
  • Compatibility compatibility with Amasty Mega Menu was improved
  • Compatibility compatibility with Amasty XML Google® Sitemap was improved
  • Compatibility compatibility with Amasty Improved Sorting was improved
  • Fix we adjusted the way extension handles multi-word attribute options when handling duplicate SEO URLs
  • Fix now ‘Visible in Categories’ setting displays all store categories regardless of the amount
  • Fix using an apostrophe in the brand name no longer causes issues with brands functionality
  • Fix changing amount of displayed product on category pages no longer returns an empty page when ajax is enabled
  • Fix we adjusted extension ajax behavior with Fastly CDN/Varnish
  • Fix we fixed the ‘too many redirects’ error on brand and all products pages with a trailing slash
  • Fix we removed the double slash in the image URLs on ILN custom pages
  • Fix we adjusted rel=\"nofollow\" behavior for the category filter
  • Fix we fixed the issue with sorting on brand pages
  • Fix now sorting works as expected on brand pages using Custom Product Sorting add-on
  • Fix we resolved the issue with the ‘Add to Cart’ button in the ‘More from this brand' block
Version 1.11.0
Last Update: Jul 30, 2021
1.11.0 - Jul 30, 2021
  • New now you can conveniently configure all filters and their navigation options on a separate page and set the different sort order for top and sidebar navigation blocks (Note: the feature is available as a part of Improved Layered Navigation Premium tariff)
  • New now Brand Attribute setting has ‘store view’ scope: you can use different attributes as a brand for different stores within one Magento installation if it is applicable for your business strategy
  • New we updated the design of the Brands part of the extension
  • New we added an option to scroll to the top after filter applying by ajax
  • New now you have an option to hide a particular brand from All Brands page if necessary
  • New we introduced an ability to set URL alias for an attribute itself to make URLs more friendly in case attributes are included
  • New now you can choose not to display 'out-of-stock' options in filter as well as not to show configurable items as a result if the option used in filtration is missing for this product to avoid confusing customers by displaying products that are unavailable for purchase
  • New now you have the ability to exclude some categories from the filter if they are not required to be available for filtering by
  • Compatibility we improved the compatibility with Amasty Grouped Options
  • Compatibility brands link in the top menu is displayed properly when using Amasty Mega Menu
  • Improvement we completely refactored the price filter, its plugins and models, as well as made the transition to the base currency and the calculations based on it
  • Improvement we actualized MFTF tests
  • Fix we fixed the product URLs with Use Categories Path for Product URLs setting enabled
  • Fix we corrected GET parameters handling on search results pages
  • Fix we fixed the trailing slash error with SEO friendly URLs
  • Fix we adjusted extension behavior for SEO friendly category URLs
  • Fix we resolved the issue with being unable to unselect filter with AJAX enabled
  • Fix issue with AJAX filtering by button click causing infinite load has been resolved
  • Fix we resolved a potential XSS vulnerability on category pages with Varnish Cache enabled
Version 1.10.1
Last Update: Mar 25, 2021
1.10.1 - Mar 25, 2021
  • Fix we resolved the styling issues related to Add Vertical Scrolling to Filter Block After setting
1.10.0 - Mar 24, 2021
  • New category UI overhaul. Filter states UI, category filters visuals, swatches, price slider styles, checkbox/radio-button filters - everything have been re-worked and improved
  • New we introduced the setting to enable SEO-friendly URLs in bulk
  • Compatibility we improved the compatibility with Amasty Jet Theme
  • Improvement we re-worked the Fly-out view for the categories filter
  • Improvement we optimized brand settings to make the brand configuration more convenient
  • Improvement we enhanced the \"More from this Brand\" block's performance as well as overall extension’s performance
  • Improvement the Dropdown display mode for filters has been marked as deprecated. It will be removed in the future versions
  • Improvement we refactored the extension code to transfer Group Attributes functionality to the independent module Amasty Group Options
  • Improvement we added cascade delete for the alias values
  • Improvement we adjusted Brand logo rendering for out of stock products and brand pages
  • Improvement we improved price filter behavior with decimal values
  • Fix we fixed the issue with custom pages canonical tag
  • Fix extension no longer returns an error when the MSI extensions are missing
  • Fix we resolved the jQuery UI warning on category pages
  • Fix we fixed the issue with missing gallery image on category pages
  • Fix we corrected the price slider values for the large price steps
  • Fix we adjusted Yes/No attributes in facets configuration
  • Fix we resolved the toolbar issue related to Remember Category Pagination setting
  • Fix we fixed the issue with tooltip positions
  • Fix issue with missing attribute options that were added via API was resolved
  • Fix we corrected the price slider behavior on search result pages
Version 1.0.9
Last Update: Mar 04, 2021
1.0.9 - Mar 04, 2021
  • Fix we resolved js error with automatic scroll type enabled
1.0.8 - Feb 25, 2021
  • Fix we resolved the issue with infinite load of ‘Previous’ button in case it was clicked several times
1.0.7 - Jan 13, 2021
  • Compatibility we improved the extension’s functioning in case it is used in combination with lazy load enabled
1.0.6 - Dec 23, 2020
  • Fix We resolved issue with category page sorting and ElasticSearch
  • Fix we fixed wrong counters on filters using Shop By Brand Menu item
  • Fix now unselect for multiple category filter is working correctly
1.0.3 - Dec 03, 2020
  • Improvement MFTF tests were moved to additional packages particular for Magento 2.3.6+ and Magento 2.4.1+
  • Fix now category pages display relevant products if category filter is disabled
1.0.2 - Nov 20, 2020
  • Fix we fixed the issue occurred in case Magento_Inventory is disabled
1.0.1 - Jun 23, 2020
  • Fix we resolved the issue with installation via composer

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