E-commerce & Marketing

top 5 features of consumer behavior in e-commerce to increase your sales by up to 70%

[$0 PDF E-book] Top 5 Features of Consumer Behavior in E-commerce to Increase Your Sales By up to 70%

One of the biggest puzzles in retail business is consumer behavior. Why do they buy goods? What motivation do they have? Why do they prefer online shopping? Consumers’ behavior poses too many questions. Today we introduce our first e-book that will shed light on this topic. In the book, we’ll cover the main models of shoppers behavior, aspects of motivation, purchasing cycle, the difference bet...
November 19, 2019
marketplace vs dropship what’s the difference

Marketplace vs Dropship: What’s the Difference?

There are a lot of different e-commerce strategies, and it’s difficult to choose the right one. Today, in our guide, we will compare Magento 2 Dropshipping integration with Marketplaces. Brief overview The core idea of dropshipping is to shorten the supply chain. You don't store and don’t ship goods. Instead of this, you have a list of suppliers. A marketplace is a space for sellers where they...
September 26, 2019
Magento 2 email marketing Amasty blog

9 Simple Ways to Grow Your E-commerce Store Subscriber List

Growing your email subscriber list is crucial for all online stores. Sending out emails with optimized content is a cost-effective, long-term strategy to engage with current and future customers. The bigger your email subscription list, the more people you can reach to let them know about upcoming sales and new products. However, growing your email list requires strategy, consistency, and ...
May 24, 2019

10 Best Email Examples For E-commerce For 2017

It’s that time of the year where we look back on the last 12 months and make all sorts of resolutions. If one of your resolutions is to nail your sales and marketing emails, then I have a treat for you. I’ve put together 10 of my favorite e-commerce emails from 2017 and analyzed what makes them effective. Take a look and get inspired for your next year’s worth of emails. And do set up a Magento...
January 4, 2018
3 sales funnels strategies for e-commerce

3 sales funnels strategies for e-commerce

Sales funnels are a concept everyone seems to understand and use, but not so many go on to explore them in detail. So some owners set up Reward Points in their Magento 2 store and rip the benefits ignoring the fact this module is actually a tool for client retention at the funnel activation phase. When it comes to eCommerce, it’s especially important to make the most out of your funnels a...
April 3, 2017
Cicero quote about gratitude

How to earn customers loyalty with a Thank You

Thank you is a universal expression of gratitude. Each and every culture has codes to express gratitude, and language is one of them. Let your customers express their gratitude to people who they care about the most in a simple way with Magento 2 Thank You Page extension or Magento Gift Card. Gratitude and its expression has several meanings in human communication, such as: giving something...
April 17, 2016

This blog was created with Amasty Blog Pro

This blog was created with Amasty Blog Pro